Count Your Blessings

By: Leigha Pindroh 

Last week, my three sons attended SCUBA VBS and had an amazing time diving into friendship with God. One of our favorite parts of VBS every year is jamming out to the songs. This year, a crowd favorite was "Count Your Blessings," which has a catchy hook that goes, "1, 2, 3, 1, 2, and 3, 4." If your children attended VBS this week, I’m sure you’ve heard it since then 😊. (If you haven’t heard the song, you can listen to it here.)

After the fun week, our family spent the weekend at a soccer tournament with a large group of our friends. My children kept singing “Count Your Blessings” over and over again. By the end of the weekend, the entire team seemed to know those simple lyrics. This, of course, made the song stick in my head as well, and I continued singing it too. I took a moment to really listen to the lyrics. The song’s message is to count your blessings, even in times of discouragement. If you take a moment and name your blessings one by one, you will be amazed by all the things God has done in your life.

It's easy to get swept up in the hustle and bustle of life. I often feel like I focus far too much energy on things that bring me additional stress and anxiety. But isn’t it amazing to simply slow down, look around, and realize all the wonderful things God has done in our lives? It certainly provides a calming sense of peace.

I feel blessed that my children were able to attend a week full of fun, learning how God will always be a friend to them, while also fostering new friendships within their VBS crews. I feel blessed that we have a church family that includes so many individuals who selflessly give their time and talents to make sure the children have an unforgettable week. I feel blessed that we belong to a church that, year after year, creates a fun environment for our students to enjoy crafts, games, and singing all while learning about God.

I hope you can take a moment and count your many blessings this week too. I think you will be surprised at all the ways the Lord is quietly showing up in your life.

Leigha Pindroh