Current Sermon
Discussion Guide
January 5th - February 2nd
Overview: In his Confessions, Saint Augustine wrote, “man wants to praise you…you stimulate him to take pleasure in praising you, because you have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in you.”
God made us to praise and worship and we are never more fully ourselves than when we are in a posture of praise toward God. In this series we will uncover how living a life of praise to God can unlock transformation and joy in our lives. Each message offers biblical teaching on practical ways we can cultivate a heart of praise in everyday life
To listen to past sermons, visit the Dutilh Sermon Podcast.
December 1st - December 22nd
The birth of Jesus is no accident. From the foundations of the world, God decided to send his Son in human flesh to save the world's sins. All throughout the Old Testament, the promise of Christ’s birth is declared. In this series, we prepare for Christmas by examining some of the Old Testament prophecies that pointed forward to the birth of our Savior.
September 8-November 24
We use the word “passion” to describe a powerful emotion that captivates us, such as love or hate. The word passion also has a second meaning, referring to the sufferings that Jesus experienced on the cross. In this series, we will see the two meanings of “passion” come together, as we walk step-by-step through the last 24 hours of Jesus’ life. Through it all we will see that the passion of the Christ is rooted in Jesus’ passionate love for us – a love that knows no bounds and that endures all things.
July 7 - September 1
The invitation Jesus makes to each one of us is to “follow me.” Having faith in Jesus is about more than have a conceptual understanding of his truth. Faith means following. From the moment we receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior we begin a journey with Jesus that lasts the rest of our lives. In this series, we take a journey with Jesus as he heads toward Jerusalem, where he will ultimately die for the sins of the world.