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Discussion Guides:
March 9-April 6, 2025
Overview: What would you say to the people you love if you knew you were going to die tomorrow? Chances are you would want to say the things that matter most. That’s precisely what Jesus did in the Upper Room when he gathered with his disciples on the night before he died. In this series, we listen in on Jesus’ teaching from the farewell discourse.
To listen to past sermons, visit the Dutilh Sermon Podcast.
February 9-March 2, 2025
Many of us start the new year with positive hopes for a happy and healthy year only to have our hopes dashed by unexpected hardships and adversities that derail our mojo. The problem is that often our happiness is triggered by external circumstances beyond our control. But what if we could cultivate a deeper sense of happiness – a feeling of ultimate wellbeing down in soul that cannot be taken from us? What we need is joy. In this series, we read Paul’s letter to the Philippians with an eye toward how we can choose joy as a way of life, no matter what’s happening in the world around us.
January 5th - February 2nd
In his Confessions, Saint Augustine wrote, “man wants to praise you…you stimulate him to take pleasure in praising you, because you have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in you.”
God made us to praise and worship and we are never more fully ourselves than when we are in a posture of praise toward God. In this series we will uncover how living a life of praise to God can unlock transformation and joy in our lives. Each message offers biblical teaching on practical ways we can cultivate a heart of praise in everyday life
December 1st - December 22nd
The birth of Jesus is no accident. From the foundations of the world, God decided to send his Son in human flesh to save the world's sins. All throughout the Old Testament, the promise of Christ’s birth is declared. In this series, we prepare for Christmas by examining some of the Old Testament prophecies that pointed forward to the birth of our Savior.