Contemporary Worship takes pace on Sundays at 9:30 a.m., followed by our Traditional Service at 11:00 a.m. Both services are streamed online and offer childcare.
Our faith community has about 400 households. We have a lot of bigger-church offerings, while still being small enough that people feel known and seen.
Our facility is wheelchair-accessible to the restrooms, Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall, meeting rooms, and classrooms. We also have an elevator in the education wing.
We have an amazing Children's Ministry program. Children’s programs are offered at all our services.
Kingdom Cradle: Our fully-staffed nursery (for infants to kids aged three years old) is open during all services.
Kingdom Kidz: Our children's program is offered to all kids from three-year-olds through 3rd grade.
Kingdom Quest: 4th- to 6th-grade children’s programming during all services.
We are family-friendly and welcome dialogue with parents and caregivers of young children.
We offer a wide range of classes and groups for students, young adults, and adults. Learn more about our small groups and ministry opportunities.
Come as you are! You will see a wide range of attire from Sunday-best to shorts and T-shirts at all our services.
Introduce yourself to one of our ushers or greeters or pastors. Tell them you’re new!
Stop by the “New Here? Start Here!” table in our greeting area when you first enter the building. We have a welcome gift for you!
Complete a connect card (at the “New Here?” table) & drop it in the offering basket.
No one will make you stand up and introduce yourself during services (or any other time) and our folks would love to help welcome you to Dutilh Church. If you have a question after you leave, call the church office at 724-776-1094 or email us at info@dutilhumc.org.
We are located in the heart of Cranberry Township with easy access from Route 19, 79 and the PA Turnpike. Our address is 1270 Dutilh Road Cranberry Township, PA 16066. We are next to UPMC Passavant in Cranberry, and across Route 19 from the Giant Eagle shopping center.