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Helping Hands Ministry

One wonderful, practical way to bless a family is to bring them a meal. Whether there is an illness, new baby, death in the family, or other need, this ministry is our way to help care for our church family. We are looking for volunteers willing to provide an occasional meal.

If cooking is not your thing, never fear!

  • Volunteers are welcome to order a meal from a local retaurant/pizza place/local grocery store's catering department instead.

  • Volunteers may pick and choose when to participate. There is no obligation to provide a meal for every request.

  • Kim Zacherl coordinates this service opportunity and does all the detail work to collect info. about number of people in the family, food preferences or allergies, drop-off times and addresses, etc. so it's as easy as possible for our volunteers.

Contact Kim Zacherl, or 412.760.2661
to be added to the list of volunteers.

Know someone who could use a meal? Contact Kim (above) or the Church Office at 724.776.1094.