The Nyadire Connection (TNC) : Orphan Sponsorship Programs
The Home of Hope and Home of Hope Outreach projects from The Nyadire Connection are seeking individuals interested in sponsoring children and youth in Zimbabwe. One out of every four children is an orphan in Zimbabwe. Most live with extended family, a friend, or even as “child-led households.” Here are two opportunities to help:
At the Home of Hope orphanage 26 children are well cared for by “mothers, aunties, and daddies."
Sponsors help to pay for their food, clothing, school fees, and medical care.
The children with HIV/AIDS who live at the orphanage have flourished thanks to the access to good food and antiretroviral medications.
Sponsors donate $40 per month to help cover expenses.
Contact: Mary Beth Zollars, 412-498-2281,
The Home of Hope Outreach program reaches 400+ orphans who attend rural schools near Nyadire.
HOHO Sponsors donate $100 a year to cover school fees and school supplies for a student.
Education is not free, and without financial support most of these children will not remain in school.
Sponsors receive photos and updates from the program, and often have the opportunity to write letters back and forth with their child.
Contact: Katie Gascoine, 724-799-1237,
Nyadire’s Hearing-Impaired Resource Unit serves children from the entire province.
Students learn the Zimbabwean Sign Language and life skills such as arts and crafts, market gardening, welding, fashion and fabrics, and carpentry.
The opportunity to receive an education gives students an identity and voice, teaches self-reliance, provides a meaningful purpose, and most importantly encourages friendships, values, and goals.
Sponsors can donate $125 to cover annual school fees and/or $240 to cover annual boarding costs.
Contact: Deborah Swineford,
We offer a higher-education scholarship fund to provide further schooling opportunities for orphans and hearing-impaired students.
The fund is named after Sister Rut Lindgren, a Finnish missionary nurse who devoted her life to the orphaned children of Nyadire.
Qualified students can enroll in teacher colleges, nursing colleges, universities, and vocational schools, and they must maintain passing grades and perform community service.
Sponsors donate $500 annually and will be paired with specific candidates.
Contact: Mary Beth Zollars, 412-498-2281,
Children at the Home of Hope Orphanage in Zimbabwe - Photo courtesy of TNC.