Women’s Ministries
Scroll down for information on Graceful & Grateful and MOPS. Need to get connected? Contact Sarah Hogue at shogue@dutilhumc.org.
Graceful & Grateful Women’s Ministry
Graceful & Grateful is Dutilh’s women’s ministry. It meets the first and third Tuesday of the month from 6:30-8 p.m. Find the schedule below.
Childcare for infants through 6th graders is available by signing up through Sarah Hogue at shogue@dutilhumc.org.
Contact Lori Sedlak at lemertsedlak@gmail.com for information and please join the G&G Facebook Group:
MOPS (Moms of Preschoolers)
Every other Monday at 9:30 a.m. (during the school year)
Dutilh Church hosts a MOPS group, for moms with kids in kindergarten or younger, that meet twice a month on Mondays from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. (September - May). Meetings each year are a variety of content videos, discussions, crafts, service projects and more. All meetings have breakfast and hot coffee, and childcare is offered for kids as old as kindergarten.
Please visit mops.org/groups/dutilhumc for contact information and to learn more!